Tula Bridesmaid Bouquet

from $48.00

Complement the bold elegance of the Tula collection with the Tula Bridesmaid Bouquet. Crafted with the same moody hues and textures, it is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options to suit your needs.

Add extra color customization with our separate add-on listing.

For orders needed within 30 days, please ensure you add the RUSH-order listing.

*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.

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Complement the bold elegance of the Tula collection with the Tula Bridesmaid Bouquet. Crafted with the same moody hues and textures, it is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options to suit your needs.

Add extra color customization with our separate add-on listing.

For orders needed within 30 days, please ensure you add the RUSH-order listing.

*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.

Add-On Colors

Complement the bold elegance of the Tula collection with the Tula Bridesmaid Bouquet. Crafted with the same moody hues and textures, it is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options to suit your needs.

Add extra color customization with our separate add-on listing.

For orders needed within 30 days, please ensure you add the RUSH-order listing.

*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.

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