Daphne Bridal Bouquet
The Daphne Bridal Bouquet is timeless and elegant, crafted with classic tones that let natural greens take center stage.
Further customize with add-on colors from a separate listing.
For orders required within 30 days, please remember to add the RUSH-order listing.
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.
The Daphne Bridal Bouquet is timeless and elegant, crafted with classic tones that let natural greens take center stage.
Further customize with add-on colors from a separate listing.
For orders required within 30 days, please remember to add the RUSH-order listing.
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.
The Daphne Bridal Bouquet is timeless and elegant, crafted with classic tones that let natural greens take center stage.
Further customize with add-on colors from a separate listing.
For orders required within 30 days, please remember to add the RUSH-order listing.
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.