Daphne Bridesmaid Bouquet
Classically inspired, the Daphne Bridesmaid Bouquet is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options. Ideal for timeless wedding themes with color options like ‘nude and raw’ or ‘blushing bride.’
Additional colors can be added via a separate listing.
Please add the RUSH-order listing if needed in less than 30 days."
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.
Classically inspired, the Daphne Bridesmaid Bouquet is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options. Ideal for timeless wedding themes with color options like ‘nude and raw’ or ‘blushing bride.’
Additional colors can be added via a separate listing.
Please add the RUSH-order listing if needed in less than 30 days."
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.
Classically inspired, the Daphne Bridesmaid Bouquet is available in Regular, 3-flower, and 5-flower options. Ideal for timeless wedding themes with color options like ‘nude and raw’ or ‘blushing bride.’
Additional colors can be added via a separate listing.
Please add the RUSH-order listing if needed in less than 30 days."
*Wood flower styles and foliage/filler stems may vary slightly to shop listing photo due to availability. The bouquets in the photos are our large-size option.